creative victoria

Evaluating arts and social inclusion projects

Yesterday I gave a presentation at the Creative Victoria Expert Arts Panel session on evaluating arts impact. Along with me, Deakin Uni's Hilary Glow and Anne Kershaw presented about a recent evaluation they did for Vichealth on arts and wellbeing, and Mark Hogan from Regional Development talked about the Clunes Booktown regional transformation story. Once Creative Victoria upload the full session to the web I will upload a link. In the meantime, I have uploaded my powerpoint presentation here.

Upcoming BYP Group presentations

We will be presenting at a number of events over the coming months. We will attempt to upload any powerpoint slides to this website, but just in case you think can come to any of the below, here are the details:

Jackie will be a panellist on an Expert Arts Panel on evaluation and the arts, Creative Victoria, Melbourne, 28 October 2015

Jackie will be delivering a Keynote Address - 'Meaningful Measurements - How do we articulate the value of public libraries in a contemporary context?' SWITCH 2015 - NSW Public Libraries Association, Sydney, 17-20 November 2015

Sarah will be delivering a free regional workshop for Creative Victoria - 'Evaluating your Work - Measuring Success in Arts and Culture,' in Kilmore, Victoria, Friday 27 November.

Jackie will be hosting the panel - 'Evaluation and Research - 6 Minute Learnings' at the Australia Council for the Arts Arts Learning Forum, Footscray, Melbourne 25-27 November 2015